HTML 4 h2 Tag

Also see HTML5 <h2> Tag.

This page contains information about the HTML 4 version of this element. For a more up to date version, see HTML5 <h2> Tag.

The HTML h2 tag is used for specifying level 2 headings. There are 6 levels of headings (h1 - h6) with h1 the most important and h6 the least important.

Browsers typically render the various headings in different sizes - with h1 being the largest and h6 being the smallest.



Attributes specific to this tag:
Other Attributes:
classDocument wide identifier.
idDocument wide identifier
titleSpecifies a title to associate with the element. Many browsers will display this when the cursor hovers over the element (similar to a "tool tip").
styleInline style (CSS)
langLanguage code
dirSpecifies the direction of the text
alignAlignment. (Left, right, center, justify).
onclickIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
ondbclickIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onmousedownIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onmouseupIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onmouseoverIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onmousemoveIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onmouseoutIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onkeypressIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onkeydownIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onkeyupIntrinsic event (see event handlers)

Try it Yourself!

Modify the code below, then click Update. See below for attributes.

HTML5 Tags

The information on this page is based on HTML version 4.01. Most modern browsers now support HTML5, which is the next version of HTML after HTML 4.01.

See HTML5 <h2> Tag for the HTML5 version of the above element.

Also see this list of HTML 5 tags for the latest version of HTML.