Web Safe Color Palette

Below is the web safe color palette (also known as browser-safe palette, Netscape palette, 216 palette, web palette, and the 6x6x6 color cube). Use these colors if you prefer to use only colors from the web safe color palette. The shorthand hexadecimal value is written below each color so you can copy and paste the shorthand hex color code into your HTML.

#FF99FF #FF99CC #FF9999 #FF9966 #FF9933 #FF9900
#FF66FF #FF66CC #FF6699 #FF6666 #FF6633 #FF6600
#FF33FF #FF33CC #FF3399 #FF3366 #FF3333 #FF3300
#FF00FF #FF00CC #FF0099 #FF0066 #FF0033 #FF0000
#CC99FF #CC99CC #CC9999 #CC9966 #CC9933 #CC9900
#CC66FF #CC66CC #CC6699 #CC6666 #CC6633 #CC6600
#CC33FF #CC33CC #CC3399 #CC3366 #CC3333 #CC3300
#CC00FF #CC00CC #CC0099 #CC0066 #CC0033 #CC0000
#99FFFF #99FFCC #99FF99 #99FF66 #99FF33 #99FF00
#99CCFF #99CCCC #99CC99 #99CC66 #99CC33 #99CC00
#9999FF #9999CC #999999 #999966 #999933 #999900
#9966FF #9966CC #996699 #996666 #996633 #996600
#9933FF #9933CC #993399 #993366 #993333 #993300
#9900FF #9900CC #990099 #990066 #990033 #990000
#66FFFF #66FFCC #66FF99 #66FF66 #66FF33 #66FF00
#66CCFF #66CCCC #66CC99 #66CC66 #66CC33 #66CC00
#6699FF #6699CC #669999 #669966 #669933 #669900
#6666FF #6666CC #666699 #666666 #666633 #666600
#6633FF #6633CC #663399 #663366 #663333 #663300
#6600FF #6600CC #660099 #660066 #660033 #660000
#33FFFF #33FFCC #33FF99 #33FF66 #33FF33 #33FF00
#33CCFF #33CCCC #33CC99 #33CC66 #33CC33 #33CC00
#3399FF #3399CC #339999 #339966 #339933 #339900
#3366FF #3366CC #336699 #336666 #336633 #336600
#3333FF #3333CC #333399 #333366 #333333 #333300
#3300FF #3300CC #330099 #330066 #330033 #330000
#00FFFF #00FFCC #00FF99 #00FF66 #00FF33 #00FF00
#00CCFF #00CCCC #00CC99 #00CC66 #00CC33 #00CC00
#0099FF #0099CC #009999 #009966 #009933 #009900
#0066FF #0066CC #006699 #006666 #006633 #006600
#0033FF #0033CC #003399 #003366 #003333 #003300
#0000FF #0000CC #000099 #000066 #000033 #000000

You can use hex shorthand for the websafe colors (just as you see them in the chart above). It's easy to convert hex to shorthand (and vice versa) because each shorthand digit represents two in hexadecimal. For example, shorthand of #F06 would be #FF0066 in hexadecimal. Don't forget to preceed the shorthand value with a #.

Here's more about hex color codes.

Remember, this color code chart represents the 216 web safe color palette. You can actually use any hexadecimal value you like. The web safe color palette was popular in the early days of the web when computers had less color capability. Some were only able to display 256 colors for example. Now, most computers connected to the web - even handheld devices - can view millions of colors, and the web safe color palette has become virtually irrelevant. That being said, the web safe color palette can still be used for inspiration on your own website color schemes - particularly if you're looking for that clean, simple, and perhaps, highly saturated look.

Here's more about web safe colors.