CSS Background Stripes

This page contains CSS background stripes. These are CSS backgrounds that use linear-gradient() or repeating-linear-gradient() to create background stripes.

Horizontal Stripes using linear-gradient()

Here we use linear-gradient() to acheive a striped effect.

Horizontal Stripes using repeating-linear-gradient()

This example uses repeating-linear-gradient() to acheive a similar effect to the above example. We also use hexadecimal values instead of RGBA.

Horizontal Stripes

We use repeating-linear-gradient() to create horizontal stripes. The only difference between horizontal and the vertical stripes is that we use 180deg for horizontal and 90deg for vertical.

Different Angles

Let's tweak the angle a bunch and see what happens…

Thin Stripes

Thick Stripes

More Colors

You can add more colors as you wish by adding the color and modifying the pixel amounts (to accommodate the three colors). In this example there are stripes in three different colors.