How to Create a Report from a Table in Access 2016

You can create a report straight from a table in Access 2016. Access automatically generates a report based on the table or query selected.

Here's how to create a report from an existing table.

  1. Screenshot of Access with the Report button highlighted

    Trigger the Report Command

    In the left Navigation Pane, select the table you want to base the report on.

    Now click Report on the Ribbon (from the Create tab).

  2. Screenshot of the report

    The Report

    A report will appear, containing all the fields from the table.

    It appears in Layout View, which is a view that enables editing. You can also switch to Design View for more controlled editing, as well as Report View and Print Preview to see how it looks to the user.

    You can leave the report as it is, or you can customize it as needed.

    You can close the left Navigation Pane to provide more room for the report.

    To do this, click the little « icon at the top of the Navigation Pane.

Modify the Report

Depending on your needs, it's likely that the report will need some modifications before it's ready for emailing or printing.

In particular, check that it contains the correct fields, and that it's not too wide to be printed. If it's too wide, it will use up extra many pages unnecessarily.

Don't forget to save the report once you've finished. In any case, Access will prompt you to save it when you try to close it.